Monday, May 23, 2011

Blue Man's Writer's Block

Just as I was compelled to begin posting again, I've also found it surprisingly difficult to find time to write.  When I do find time, I'm hit with writer's block.  So, I apologize if some of these posts sound forced.  I figure if I keep writing, maybe I'll get into a groove.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that there haven't been topics on which to add my two cents--I've been contemplating laptops for friends and family who've asked for my advice while also being intrigued by Google Chromebooks; we're in the final stages of preparing for the kitchen remodel; the Indy 500 is this Sunday, and tornadoes have ripped through the Midwest.  Additionally, I find myself feeling more and more unsure about my ability to eventually raise a well-mannered, unspoiled child, and give him or her the opportunities he or she deserves.  You can be damn sure she'll be taking violin and/or piano lessons, singing lessons, and dance lessons, but those are NOT cheap!  How did my parents do it?

While I might touch upon those topics in the future, for now I'll just say that Hannah and I are going to see Blue Man Group tomorrow night at Golden Gate Theater.  Being once a Blue Man, it's ironic that I have never seen the show.  I hope it lives up to my expectations. Maybe I'll dress up for the show...

My Current "Uncle" Status:  Not yet!

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